JS Modal

Easy usage and lightweight vanilla js modal


You can install it by npm or simply by CDN


npm install @easonlin0716/js-modal // usage import modal from "@easonlin0716/js-modal"; import "@easonlin0716/js-modal/dist/js-modal.min.css";


// put css and js resources in your .html or any template // css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@easonlin0716/js-modal/dist/js-modal.min.css" />
// js
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@easonlin0716/js-modal/dist/js-modal.js"></script>


Open the modal:

modal.open(el, options)

Close the modal:


Example1: Using with default options

// first select root element you want to display in modal. const myModal = document.querySelector('#my-modal');
// use modal.open to open it. modal.open(myModal);

Example2: Draggable modal

// there're some available options which can be customized. modal.open(myModal, { allowDrag: true })

Example3: A modal which can only be closed by clicking ok button

const myModal = document.querySelector('#my-modal'); const closeBtn = myModal.querySelector('#close-btn');
modal.open(myModal, { showClose: false, escapeClose: false, clickClose: false, });
// You can bind a function to close modal on its button closeBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { modal.close(); });


Option Type Default Description
containerClasses array ["mask"] Outer container css classes, accept multiple classes.
closeClass string "close-modal" Closing icon css class.
modalClass string "modal" Modal content container class. This class will be append to the element passed in modal.open
fadeDuration number 260 Fading duration.
fadeDelay number 0.6 Modal content fade delay.
showClose boolean true Allow display close button or not.
escapeClose boolean true Allow close by escape button.
clickClose boolean true Allow close by clicking background.
allowDrag boolean false Allow modal to be dragged.